Fels-Naptha soap is much more than a laundry soap. These 52 ways to use Fels Naptha can be used around your entire home, outdoors and even in your garden! That’s right! This one little dollar cleaning soap is one of the best cleaning products your home will ever have.
In my laundry room, you’ll find several bars of Fels-Naptha soap. Hands down, this laundry bar soap is one of my favorite cleaning products. While it was originally designed as a laundry soap, Fels Naptha can be used in so many ways that it makes perfect sense to me to always have it handy.
One of the reasons that I love Fels-Naptha so much is because it is incredibly cheap.
Here in the US, I can pick it up at Walmart for less than $1.00 per bar. If you can’t find it at Walmart, Amazon sells it as well.
As always, I love anything that helps me to save money and since there are so many uses for Fels Naptha, it definately does that!
Like I said, It’s one of my favorite cleaning products period!
What Can Fels Naptha Be Used For?
When using Fels Naptha, a little goes a long way.
With a bar costing around $1.00, I can afford to experiment with a few bars, and I am reasonably certain that you can too. Ultimately, the only way we learn a new use for something is by experimenting with it.
Because Fels-Naptha is so reasonably priced, it is ideal for experimenting. You will find new ways to save yourself time and money without going broke to do so.
How to Use Fels-Naptha Soap
Honestly, I haven’t always liked this soap. In fact, I was well into my thirties before I really understood how great a little bar of soap really can be.
In 2015, I began a journey that continues today. I started looking for things I could make at home to save money and make money.
The original list of around 30 things has evolved into a huge list, and Fels Naptha is a main component of many of them.
To be honest with you, I would never go back to the way we used to live. Making things at home, drinking raw milk directly from the farm, eating eggs and produce grown and raised here at home have all enhanced my life in ways I can never explain.
We are here, however, to discuss the ways to use Fels Naptha, and with so many uses, I am 100% sure that once you see them all, your home will be filled with Fels Naptha too!
The History of Fels-Naptha Soap
Fels-Naptha, the first soap to contain naptha, was manufactured by Feby Fels and Company around 1893. Naptha was a liquid hydrocarbon mixture that worked great as laundry soap, but it was eventually removed as it was a cancer risk.
As the new soap prospered, so did the company. It was sold to Purex in 1964, which was then sold to Dial and then further sold to Henkel in 2003.
Is Fels Naptha Soap Safe?
After WW2, the popularity of Fels-Naptha declined as more convenience products began to appear.
Recently though, it has seen a resurgence since so many people are starting to recognize the importance of money saving tips from the Depression era or from World War 2.
Originaly, Fels-Naptha contained a hydrocarbon called naptha. As this carcinogen is known to cause cancer, it was removed.
After it was removed, the soap was no longer toxic and was safe to use. Furthermore, it cleans just as well as before – in some cases even better!
Is Fels-Naptha an Eye Irritant?
Although fels naptha is not toxic, prolonged exposure to it is known to cause skin and eye irritation.
Fels-Naptha is not labeled as a nasal irritant, but I find that grating it irritates my nose quite a bit, so keep that in mind if you’re considering how to use it at home.
Using a food processor to grate it will eliminate the issue of it irritating your nose, as it does mine.
How to Use Fels Naptha Soap
With all of that said, you will be fine as long as you aren’t sitting in a bucket of soapy water for hours. You can view the Fels Naptha MSDS sheet right HERE if you would like.
If you find that trying these uses for Fels-Naptha irritates you a bit more than you care for, you can give Zote soap a try.
Jenn over at Simple at Home has an a really nice list of uses for Zote soap if you are interested.
Laundry Uses for Fels Naptha
Fels Naptha’s most basic function is to clean laundry. Therefore, it makes sense to discuss how you can use it for your laundry.
I have listed a few of my favorites, but there are no doubt many other ways in the laundry room you could use them.
Make DIY Powdered Laundry Detergent
Starting with the most common way to use Fels Naptha, making DIY powdered laundry detergent is easy with this soap.
Combined with Borax and baking soda, Fels Naptha makes an amazing powdered laundry detergent.
Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe
- 1 bar Fels Naptha, grated
- 1/2 box Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
- 1/2 box Borax
Combine all powdered ingredients in an airtight container. Shake well to combine. Use 1 tbsp per load.
If you need a good DIY Laundry Detergent recipe, mine can be found HERE.
Make a DIY Liquid Laundry Detergent with Fels Naptha
If you prefer liquid laundry detergent, you can use Fels Naptha to make that as well.
A good DIY liquid laundry detergent recipe is the one I use right HERE. If you’re using Fels Naptha, just replace the castile bar soap with a bar of Fels Naptha.
Use Fels Naptha to Make DIY Laundry Detergent Pods
One other way to make homemade laundry detergent with Fels Naptha is to make DIY Laundry Detergent Pods.
I have a tutorial HERE if you would like to learn how to make them.
These make doing your laundry so much easier but are homemade so they are so much cheaper!
Use Fels-Naptha as a bleach alternative to brighten your whites
We don’t use bleach in our home as I have an allergy, but if you do, consider skipping it. Washing your whites in bleach too often can make them take on a yellow or dingy color.
In fact, it can even eat away at the fabric of your clothing which will only serve to cost you most money on clothing.
Clothing is far too expensive these days to allow bleach to destroy them. This tip from this list of uses for Fels-Naptha can help you save those clothes.
To keep that from happening, skip the bleach and use Fels-Naptha to help whiten them.
Simply dissolve one cup of grated Fels-Naptha into a sink full of warm water. Soak your white clothing for an hour then wash as you normally would.
When the whites come out, you will notice they are whiter, less dingy, and will be sparkling clean!
How to Remove Wine Stains
Wine drinkers everywhere will love the next one on this list of uses for Fels Naptha! If you have spilled wine on something, grab a bar of Fels-Naptha and rub it into the stain. It will come right out saving the item that you’ve stained.
If the stain is deep, you may need to repeat the removal process in order to fully remove the stain.
Remove Chocolate Stains with Fels Naptha
Kids can be messy sometimes and chocoalte is one of the owrst stains to have to try and remove from clothes. That’s why this is one of the best uses for Fels Naptha that a parent can have in their arsenal.
To use Fels Naphta to remove chocolate, rub the stain with a wet bar of Fels Naptha. Then, soak the item in a Borax and water mixture for 30 minutes.
Wash as normal and the stain should come right out.
Make a Laundry Stain Pre-Treat Solution
Keeping your white clothing looking great isn’t the only laundry themed tip on this list of ways to use Fels-Naptha soap.
You can also use it to pre-treat stains so there is never a need to buy those expensive stain remover sticks or sprays!
Fels Naptha Laundry Pre-treat Spray Recipe
Combine 1 part grated Fels-Naptha with 1 part Borax laundry powder in a heavy bottom pot. Add 2 parts water and heat until the soap flakes are melted and combined.
Pour into a glass spray bottle and use to pre-treat your laundry!
Remove baby formula stains with Fels-Naptha
Baby clothes are one of the few clothing items that keep their resale value. This means that if you’re looking to make money selling kids clothes, you want them to be looking their best.
Unfortunately, babies are not great at keeping stains for their clothes and baby formula is one of the worst to get out. Luckily, you can use Fels Naptha to remove baby formula stains pretty easily.
To do so, rub the stain with a wet bar of Fels-Naptha.
Soak it in 1 gallon of water with 1/2 cup dissolved Borax powder for 30 minutes. Wash like normal and the stains should be completely gone!
Remove ink stains with Fels-Naptha
I can’t be the only one who has washed an ink pen, right?
In any case, if you too have washed a BIC; Fels-Naptha can rescue your laundry.
Just add a small chunk to your washer and wash like normal.
For stubborn ink stains, follow the instructions above for baby formula stains. Your clothes should look like new!
Using Fels Naptha for Baseball Pants
My daughter Emma played softball during the 2019 season so I am well aware of how quickly baseball and softball pants can get grass and dirt stains on them.
Luckily you can use Fels Naptha for baseball pants (and softball!) that have seen better days.
To treat stubborn grass stains, rub a damp bar of Fels Naptha into the stain and work the soap into the stain using a soft bristled brush.
Allow the soap to soak into the stain for an hour then wash as normal.
Remove Makeup Stains with Fels Naptha
One of the more common uses for Fels Naptha around my house is makeup stains. Things such as the lip stain I wear and other makeup proiducts can easily stain clothes.
To use Fels Naptha to remove makeup stains, rub a dry bar of the soap on the stain. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes then wash as normal.
Remove Wring around the Collar
If your shirts have wring around the collar, Fels Naptha can help remove it. To do so, rub a dry bar of the soap into the collar wring.
Then, using a soft bristle brush, work the soap into the stain. Allow it to sit for thirty minutes prior to washing as normal.
Use Fels-Naptha to remove oil based stains
Oil based stains are the worst and can be almost impossible to remove! Luckily, removing them is one of the ways to use Fels Naptha soap!
To remove an oil based stain, wet a bar of Fels-Naptha and rub it on the stain. Allow it to sit for one hour and wash as normal.
Cleaning Uses for Fels Naptha
We all know that commercial cleaners are expensive so if you’re looking to save money around your home, using Fels-Naptha in as many places as possible is a great way to do it.
Fels-Naptha isn’t just great in the laundry room. There are also quite a few uses for Fels Naptha in your regular cleaning routine.
Clean Floors with Fels Naptha
Another great addition to the list of ways to use Fels-Naptha is as a floor cleaner. It works so well to remove both light dirt and heavy grime. Plus, it smells really fresh after.
To make a homemade floor cleaner with Fels Naptha, grate 1/2 bar into 1-gallon water. Heat the water and melt the soap. Allow it to cool slightly then mop as normal.
When doing floors, there is no need to rinse.
Clean your Toilet with Fels Naptha Soap
Fels-Naptha makes a great toilet cleaner and gets your toilet clean without harsh chemicals.
To clean your toilet with it, melt 1/4 bar of Fels-Naptha into 5-6 cups of water. Allow the soap/water mixture to cool.
Once cool, add 15 drops of lemon essential oil and 10 drops of tea tree oil.
Pour into your toilet bowl and clean as you normally would.
How to Clean Your Sink
It’s also fantastic for cleaning sinks and you may just find that your sinks have never been cleaner with so little work!
To clean your sinks with Fels Naptha, use a soft brush to remove any loose dirt. Then, rub a bar of Fels-Naptha all over the sink and faucets.
Wet the soft brush down then use it to scrub the sink. Rinse and marvel in how clean your sink is now!
Using Fels Naptha to Clean Leather
It’s a real tragedy when leather gets dirty but it’s a quick fix with Fels Naptha!
To clean leather with Fels Naptha, wet the bar of soap down – not the leather itself – then rub the soap onto the leahter. Work the soap until you get a lather built up then fully dry.
Clean Upholstery with Fels Naptha
If you have upholstered furniture, you could choose to update the upholstery like I did in THIS post with an old chair or you could use Fels Naptha to clean it.
Spray the upholstery down with a spray bottle lightly then run a damp bar of Fels Naptha over it. Use a soft bristled brush to clean the upholstery. Wipe as much later away as you can then rinse well.
Make a Homemade Odor Spray with Fels Naptha
Febreze is expensive and odors come back before too long. A better way to remove odors is to use Fels-Naptha to create an odor removing spray.
The Felsn-Naptha spray cleans the dirt or funk that is causing the smell meaning that once its gone, it won’t come back.
Fels Naptha Odor Removing Spray Recipe
To make the odor removing spray, grate 1/4 bar of Fels-Naptha. Add it to 2 cups hot water and heat over low heat until the soap is fully melted and dissolved.
Allow the mixture to cool then pour into a spray bottle. Spray the stinky item lightly to remove the smell.
If you want to add a more pleasant scent, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture after its cooled.
Clean Shoes with Fels Naptha
One of the easiest Fels Naptha uses is to use it to clean your shoes. To do so, run a dry soft bristled cleaning brush across them to remove loose dirt and debris.
Rub the outside of the sneaker with a dry bar of Fels Naptha then clean with a damp cloth.
Use Fels-Naptha to Degrease Your Sink
As a truckers wife and someone who often does crazy things like clean fish in my kitchen sink, it can get pretty greasy and gunky pretty quickly.
Luckily, another one of the ways to use Fels-Naptha that I adore is that it can be used to degrease sinks, stoves and counter tops.
The process is quite similar to simply cleaning your sink. Run a soft bristled cleaning brush over the sink then wet the brush down.
Run the brush over the Fels Naptha bar. Work up a later and scrub the greasy area. Cover the entire area scrubbing to get the lather.
Now don’t rinse it. Wipe the lather clean and dry. This helps to remove the grease without continuing to spread it around.
Now, rinse the area very well. It’s especially important to rinse it well if you’re cleaning area that food will be prepared on.
Clean soap scum from your shower doors
If your shower has glass shower doors, you’re probably pretty familiar with soap scum.
Instead of using expensive commercial shower cleaners, take a clean, dampened sponge and lather it onto a bar of Fels-Naptha. Then wet your shower doors down.
Scrub your damp shower and doors down with it. Be sure to hit every area of your shower and doors.
It will take some elbow grease the very first time that you do it, but once it is done, it will be significantly easier to keep up with.
If you want to make the process easier, pre-clean your shower with our homemade bathroom cleaner then use the Fels-Naptha after you have rinsed well.
You could also clean your tub with it or your bathtubs for baby with it. Just be sure to rinse it incredibly well if you’re using it on something that will touch your baby’s skin.
Clean paint brushes with Fels-Naptha
If you like to paint. you might be spending a ton of money on paint brush cleaner. There’s no reason to.
Just rub your brushes over a bar of Fels-Naptha then rinse well. The bristles will stay soft and they’ll be as clean as new.
Shine aluminum with a bar of Fels-Naptha
Do you have aluminum cookware? If so, Fels-Naptha works great for shining it!
Just rub your gunky aluminum with the edge of the bar and polish! Rinse well and you’re done!
Use Fels-Naptha to clean grout
Cleaning grout can be a pain in the rear-end, but Fels Naptha can make it easier.
Before you get to scrubbing, rub the grout with the corner of a bar of Fels Naptha.
The soap will help remove the dirt that is trapped in the lines of your grout.
Follow the soap with your favorite homemade grout cleaner and rinse well.
Make Dish Soap from Fels Naptha
Do you hand wash your dishes? If so, one of the best uses for Fels naptha is to hand wash make a dish washing soap.
It will work better than any dish liquid you can buy at the store for hand washing, but it isn’t great for dishwashers.
If you need a homemade dishwasher soap recipe instead, check out my homemade dishwasher soap recipe or my homemade dishwasher detergent tablets instead.
Fels Naptha Dish Soap Recipe
To make a Fels Naptha dish soap recipe, grate 1/4 cup Fels-Naptha and combine with 1 cup of water.
Melt the soap into the water on the stove.
Let cool then use like you would any other dish washing liquid. It may be a bit watery. If so, that is perfectly okay. Simply shake before using and use normally.
Use Fels-Naptha to Make Sneakers Smell Better
Dirty and stinky sneakers? Rub a bar of Fels Naptha soap over the inside of the shoes before you give them a good celaning. Doing so will help to remove any stinky feet odors.
After you remove the smells, you can sprinkle cornstarch and baking soda inside each shoe to soak up sweat and odors to help prevent smells.
This can save you quite a bit of money over those expensive odor eating insoles.
Deodorize your trash can with Fels-Naptha
Why spend extra money for scented trash bags when you can save money around your home and use a bar of Fels-Naptha instead?
To clean and deodorize your trash cans, dissolve 4 tablespoons grated Fels-Naptha into 1 gallon of hot water.
Allow to cool and add 15 drops of tea tree oil and 15 drops of lemon essential oil. Spray the inside and outside of your trash can with the cleaning solution and allow to dry fully.
Your trash can will now be clean, disinfected and deodorized.
Bonus? Since Fels-Naptha works to repel bugs, it will also be pest free!
Clean outdoor furniture with Fels-Naptha
Outdoor furniture can get pretty funky over the course of just a few weeks and they are super expensive to replace. Instead of replacing them, clean then with Fels-Naptha.
Wet your furniture down and rub your outdoor furniture with either the bar itself of with a cleaning brush that has been rubbed across a bar.
Scrub stubborn areas then rinse thoroughly.
We like to use this when we clean our outdoor furniture on a budget. It helps them stay looking great but keeps my budget in tact!
Treat mildew with Fels-Naptha
Mildew is another thing that can befall not only your outdoor furniture but other areas in your home as well. Again, Fels-Naptha can be used to help clean it.
Wet the area down and spray with a bleach solution that is made up of 2 parts bleach and 1 part water.
Let the bleach solution sit for 10-15 minutes.
Rub the area down with your bar of Fels-Naptha and scrub with a soft scrub brush. Rinse well and the mildew should be gone!
Use Fels-Naptha to clean your carpets
One of my favorite ways to use Fels-Naptha is also one that will help you save money around your home. Commercial carpet shampoos are super expensive but Fels-Naptha is super budget friendly.
Just mix 1/2 cup grated Fels-Naptha with 2 gallons of water and heat to boiling.
Allow it to cool completely and use it with a carpet shampooer to shampoo your carpets!
As with any other carpet shampoo, be sure you check in a hidden are for color fastness.
Outdoor Uses for Fels Naptha Soap
Use Fels-Naptha for Poison Ivy
Our family spends a lot of times outdoors which makes this one of my favorite ways to use Fels Naptha!
If you think you have come in contact with poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac, quickly scrub the area with Fels Naptha soap then rinse the area very well with hot water.
The Fels-Naptha will help to remove the oils from the poison ivy from your skin keeping you from itching and blistering later.
Use it on hands, ankles, and arms that may have touched the ivy, but be sure to avoid your face and any other sensitive areas of your body.
Use Fels-Naptha to keep pests out of your garden
Deer may be beautiful to look at, but they – and other garden pests – can be devastating on your garden. Add to it that pest deterrents can be expensive and often are full of things you don’t want near your vegetable garden.
If deer have started to consider your garden their personal buffet, Fels-Naptha can help.
Grate a bar and spread all around your garden and near your plants being careful not to get any near the roots. They won’t like the scent (or the taste if they lick it) and will choose to go elsewhere.
If you need an extra strong boost, you can also add things like scallions and chili powder to a pot with water, melt the Fels Naptha and create a garden spray to use.
Just be careful how much you use on your plants so you don’t burn their leaves using pepper ingredients.
Use Fels-Naptha to make a homemade insecticide
If your garden plants are being eaten alive (literally) by bugs, this may end up being your favorite of all of these ways to use Fels-Naptha.
You can use it to make an insecticide that will kill the bugs on your plants without harming the plant itself.
Since commercial insecticides are so expensive, this is another great ways to save money around your home.
To kill bugs using Fels Naptha, grate a small chunk of Fels-Naptha then dissolve 3 tablespoons of the grated soap into 1 gallon of hot water.
Allow the mixture to fully cool, add to a spray bottle and spray on your plants.
Use Fels-Naptha to repel bugs
Not only will Fels-Naptha kill bugs, but it can also repel them.
To keep bugs away from your plants and home in general, cut a bar of Fels-Naptha into 1 inch chunks and place around the areas that you need to keep bugs out of.
For plants, you’ll want to place the chunk at the base of the plant, but be careful not to get it into the root area.
This will work for garden bugs as well as moths and other creepy crawlers that can get into your home.
Other Ways to Use Fels Naptha
Treat Chigger and mosquito bites with Fels-Naptha
Chiggers and mosquitoes are pretty common pests during the warmer months of the year, but luckily Fels-Naptha can help relieve the itching from them!
To treat chigger and mosquito bites with Fels-Naptha, simply wash the area well with the soap. Rinse well and pat dry. The soap will help dry the bites up leading to relief for you.
You also might want to consider using a homemade bug spray or homemade citronella candles next time so you can prevent bites in the first place.
If you’re like me, mosquitoes like to make you their dinner buffet.
Fels-Naptha can prevent poison ivy
Not only can you dry up poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac with Fels-Naptha, but you can also prevent it with Fels Naptha.
Poison Ivy can stay on your clothing for up to a year after you’ve brushed against it even with commercial laundry detergents.
Washing exposed clothing with Fels-Naptha though can help remove any oils that are on the clothing and actually keep you from many itchy nights.
Make sure to wash them separately from the rest of your laundry.
Since we camp a lot, I keep a WonderWash on hand just for this. I don’t want to take the chance that the oils will transfer to my washer.
Use Fels-Naptha to help unstick drawers
In my kitchen, I have a drawer that likes to get stuck. I’m sure we all have at least one in our homes and that’s why I love this tip the best out of all of these ways to use Fels-Naptha.
It might not seem like it but it absolutely will help you save money around your home since you won’t have to buy something to get that stubborn drawer unstuck.
For an easy fix, rub a bar of Fels-Naptha on both of the drawer tracks. It will lubricate the track and cause your drawer to open and close freely.
Treat cold sores with Fels-Naptha
Cold sores can be literal pain. To help dry them out and treat cold sores with Fels-Naptha, simply wash the area with the sore on it with Fels Naptha soap and rinse well.
Pat the area dry and after a few days, it should be gone.
One caution on this is to be very careful if you have sensitive skin since Fels Naptha is a known skin irritant.
Prevent lice with Fels-Naptha
Now before I get into this, I want to remind you again that Fels-Naptha is a known skin and eye irritant. Please be careful if you choose to use this tip and if it harms your hair or eyes, neither Six Dollar Media, Inc. or I personally will be held responsible.
Some folks claim that Fels-Naptha can be used to prevent lice.
To use it for this purpose, wash your hair with Fels-Naptha once a week.
A much easier method is to add tea tree oil to your shampoo. Add 10-15 drops to each bottle of shampoo and conditioner, shake and shampoo/condition like normal.
Using Fels Naptha for Acne
If you have a nasty pimple or zit, another use for Fels Naptha it to use Fels Naptha for acne.
Wash the area with the pimple with Fels-Naptha. It will help dry out the oils in the pimple and help it to heal quicker. Rinse well with warm water and be sure to avoid your eyes.
If you would rather avoid using Fels Naptha on your face, consider giving our DIY Acne Mask with Essential Oils a try. It works so well!
Use Fels-Naptha to repel mice
Mickey causing too many issues in your home, but using mouse traps isn’t your cup of tea? Fels-Naptha to the rescue!
Cut 1 inch chunks off of your bar and place them in areas where mice and other critters give you issues at. They won’t like the smell and will stay away.
If you want to double up on the protection, add a few cotton balls covered in peppermint essential oil in different places. They won’t like that smell either.
Clean grease off your hands
Know someone who deals with greasy hands on a regular basis? I do. Steve is a truck driver and his hands are always so greasy!
Lava hand soap works well but is twice the price of a bar of Fels-Naptha. Washing your hands with it can easily remove grease stains that normally leave your hands oily and stained.
Lubricate squeaky door hinges
The squeaky wheel gets the grease, right? Well, the squeaky door gets the soap.
If you have a squeaky door hinge or knob, rub a dry bar of Fels-Naptha on the areas that squeak. Wipe off any excess and the squeaky wheels should fall silent.
This is one of the best ways to use WD-40, but if you don’t have any on hand, Fels-Naptha will work well.
Easily remove stickers and labels with Fels-Naptha
The list of things thrifty people reuse is pretty big, but a staple item that gets reused is jars and bottles. After all, there are so many ways to use empty bottles that tossing them just doesn’t make sense.
But most of jars and bottles usually have pretty strong labels and stickers on them though and they can be a pain in the rear to remove sometimes. You could buy Goo Gone, but Fels-Naptha can make it even easier.
Rub the seam of the label (where the glue is) or the entire sticker with a dry bar then let sit for a few minutes. Then, add a pot of water big enough to cover the label and melt a small chunk of soap into it.
Soak the bottle after you have rubbed the label with the dry bar. Once you’ve soaked it for a bit, the label or sticker should peel right off.
Clear Up Fever Blisters
Fever blisters are both unsighly and painful. To treat them using Fels Naptha, wash the affected area with the soap and pat dry.
Again, if you have sensitive skin, use caution washing your skin with Fels Naptha.
Use Fels-Naptha to Tan Hides
If you are a hunting family that tans and uses the hides, you might be interested to know that fels-Naptha can be used to tan the hide.
To tan hides with Fels Naptha, grate a full bar of the soap for each gallon of water you will be using.
Heat the soap and water over a low heat until it reaches a low boil making sure to stir it occasionally.
Once the mixture has boiled and the soap flakes have dissolved, remove it from the heat and pour it into a bucket or other container.
Allow it to cool entirely. As it cools, it will thicken into a gelatinous liquid.
Once it’s fully cooled, submerse the hide entirely into the liquid. Allow it to sit for 1-2 months to tan the hide.
Use Fels Naptha to Remove Odors from Your Hands
Cutting onions and other foods can leave smells on your hands that are hard to remove. Cleaning products and other things such as compost can as well.
Washing your hands in Fels-Naptha removes those smells quickly and easily.
Treat Chigger Bites
If you’ve spent any amount of time outdoors in grass, you’ve likely been bitten by chiggers. Just like Fels Naptha can take the itch out of mosquito and other bug bites, it can chigger bites as well.
Simply wash the bites with Fels Naptha and dry well.
Make a Quick Flea and Tick Shampoo
Fleas and tick are the bane of a pet owners existence, but Fels Naptha makes a great flea and tick shampoo! Just later your furbaby up with the soap and rinse well.
As always, Fels Naptha is a known skin irritant so I would recommend testing a smalla rea of your dog or cats skin before you give them a full bath. This will let you know if they are going to react to it or not.