Get ready to embark on a cheesy adventure with our Fresh Mozzarella Cheese Recipe! Imagine the satisfaction of crafting your very own creamy mozzarella from scratch. Whether you’re a cheese enthusiast or just love trying new things in the kitchen, this recipe is sure to delight your taste buds and impress your friends. Say goodbye to store-bought cheese and hello to homemade goodness!

Have I ever mentioned that I am a pizza snob that absolutely loves pizza? Not only does it have to have the right amount of sauce, but the sauce has to be cooked correctly and there must be the proper amount of cheese on it. I am even really specific about which cheese goes on it. My favorite?
Fresh mozzarella cheese.
It isn’t just pizza that I love this homemade cheese recipe on though. It’s amazing in any recipe you use it in and great just for snacking too!
In truth, if you’re making a sandwich, pizza or other recipe that calls for mozzarella, you can’t get much better flavor than you’ll get by using fresh homemade mozzarella.
Is it Cheaper to Make Your Own Mozzarella?
Fresh mozzarella can be incredibly expensive though per pound. Sure, you can buy the aged stuff on sale, but once you’ve tasted a good homemade mozzarella cheese recipe, you’ll never want to go back to the store bought stuff.
Yes. The difference is that noticeable.
But like I said, fresh mozzarella in the stores can be really expensive which means that making homemade will likely be cheaper for some people.
For others, it may not be.
You’ll need to weigh the costs yourself based on what you pay for the milk, a teaspoon liquid rennet or two, kosher salt and so on. If the ingredients are cheaper, it is certainly a great way to save money on groceries.
If you’ are like I was, learning how to make fresh mozzarella cheese scares the living daylights out of you. There are so many rumors around about how hard cheese is to make, how easy it is to screw up and more.
I look back now and know that they’re all false, but you’re not going to know that until you try! It’s very likely much easier than you think it is!
What Milk Should I Use to Make Fresh Mozzarella?
My family drinks raw milk so when I make my own homemade cheese, I use that. I do skim the cream off it so I can make my homemade butter recipe, but I always make sure to leave a bit of cream in the milk when I’m planning to make cheese.
If you don’t drink raw milk, you can use whole milk or 2%. For this recipe, you’ll want to skip using a plant based milk and use an animal based milk only though. This means cows milk or goat milk only. Goat milk will produce a different flavor than you’re likely used to, but it is still fantastic tasting!
What Type of Rennet is Best for Homemade Mozzarella Cheese?
For this recipe, you can also use either liquid animal rennet or vegetable rennet tablets.
I personally prefer to use vegetable but I have made it with both. Either way, it turns out great so I would say to just use whichever one you prefer.
What is the Best Way to Eat Fresh Mozzarella?
Anyway you want! Fresh mozzarella is great in salads or your favorite pasta recipes, on pizza, or by itself. One of my personal favorites is caprese salad with baguette slices and a slice of fresh tomato and basil. Don’t forget to add a drizzle of olive oil or lemon juice with some salt and pepper.
Lastly, this isn’t a thirty minute mozzarella cheese recipe. This is a real and true, takes a bit, fresh mozzarella recipe. The flavor is well-worth the extra time though.
However, it may take longer, but once you have made your first batch, you’ll find that it only takes around an hour to make.
See? I told you it wasn’t hard to learn how to make homemade mozzarella cheese! It’s a tedious process but it is oh, so worth it!
This fresh mozzarella cheese recipe is one that I am 100% positive will be going into your tried and true file from the very first time you make it!
One last thing: don’t toss the pot of salty liquid! That is whey! There are a ton of ways to use whey that will save you money!
How to Store Fresh Mozzarella
Fresh mozzarella must be stored in the fridge in an airtight food storage container. However, if you want your cheese to stay soft like when first made, you’ll want to save some of the whey and make a brine. I tend to use a 75/25 mixture of water and whey. Pour this mixture into a mixing bowl and cover the cheese with it.
How Long Does Fresh Mozzarella Keep in the Fridge?
Unlike store bought cheese, your fresh mozzarella will not be packed with preservatives or have been cheese waxed. Because of this, it will only last around a week. You will know that it has gone bad (or is starting to) when the brine turns a murky color. Throw it out at this point.
Fresh Mozzarella Cheese Recipe
- 1 gallon Milk Dairy, not plant based
- 1 ½ tsp. Animal Rennet OR
- 1 ½ tsp. Vegetable Rennet
- 1 tsp. Citric Acid Food Grade
- ¾ c. Non-iodized Salt
- 1 tbsp Non-iodized Salt Seperated from 3/4 cup
- ¼ c. Water Cool
- In a heavy bottom pot, heat the milk to 55°F over medium heat. Once it reaches 55°F, add the citric acid and stir using the rubber spatula until it is fully dissolved
- Slowly bring the milk up to 90°F. If you need to raise the heat, go ahead but don’t raise it too far. You’ll run the risk of burning it if you do. Once it reaches 90°F, add the rennet to the 1/4 cup cool water then add to the milk. Stir gently for 10 to 15 seconds.
- After you have stirred for 10 to 15 seconds, turn the heat off then cover the pot. Do not touch the pot! Don’t lift the cover, don’t stir, don’t do anything. Forget the pot exists….for five minutes. At the five minute mark, lift the cover. Your milk/citric acid/rennet mixture should have the consistency of pudding
- Take a sharp kitchen knife and cut your curds into a checkerboard pattern. Turn your heat back on and heat everything to 105°F and stir very slowly. The heat will help solidify the curds.
- Once you’ve reached 105°, use a slotted spoon to remove the curds from the liquid that has separated. Place them in a colander to drain. Be very careful that you don’t squeeze or smash the curds. Once you have all of the curds removed, turn the heat back on, add the 3/4 cup salt and heat the liquid to 175-180°F.
- Allow them to sit in the colander until they are fully drained off. If you’re having issues with them draining fully, use a spoon or whatever is handy to turn them over.
- After the cheese has drained fully and your salted liquid has reached the correct temperature, use the slotted spoon to dip each piece into the salty liquid once allowing it to melt slightly until it is easily stretched. After you’ve dipped each piece, put it back in the colander and let it drain again. Taste it and slowly add the 1 tablespoon of extra salt tasting after each pinch. You don’t have to add the entire tablespoon. Just go until it tastes right.
- Stretch your homemade mozzarella cheese until it is shiny and smooth.
- Once it’s where you want it, form it into a ball. Dip the cheese ball into an ice bath to cool. Repeat the process with all of the cheese that you have and chill until you’re ready to eat!
- Nutrition information is auto-calculated. Please use discretion if you follow a special diet.
- Mozzarella may be frozen up to 3-months without loss of quality or taste. Frozen cheese will always have a loss in texture upon thawing.