“Mooooommmmm! I’m bored!”
Welcome to my life and I’m positive the life of every mom (or dad) who has kids no matter what their ages are. It seems to me though that it got really bad when my daughter hit her tween years. She had suddenly lost the ability to figure out how to keep herself amused and now, that ability is solely dependent on me. While she does still get told to figure it out for herself, I do like to keep ideas on hands for those days when the boredom apparently rots her brain and she can’t think of something fun at all. That’s where these spring break boredom busters for tweens comes in to play. She loves them and since they usually mean the “I’m bored” statements stop? I do too!

Some of these will work great for younger teens around nine or ten years of age while others would be better for the eleven or twelve year range. If your kids are like mine though, they’ll be game for anything and everything because even something like a homemade crayon is labeled as cool since it is outside of the norm. She loves anything creative and all of these? Were huge hits when she did them here at our house. Some of these will require a printable, others will require actual craft supplies. It really just depends on which one you choose. Others still will have you working in the kitchen to create something awesome.
Spring Break Boredom Busters for Kids
No matter which one you choose, I’m positive that you and your tweens will have a great time with these boredom busters. They’re all “super awesome” (in the words of my own tween) and so much fun! Take a look at the boredom busters below and pick one or all 25!
365 Days of Crafts brings us an awesome upcycled craft idea for tweens! These Scrap Fabric Bags are a great choice for beginner sewers. They make awesome gifts for kids too so encourage your kids to make one for their friends! They’ll love them!
Wow your kids and skip the store for crayons. Make these Do it Yourself Rainbow Crayons instead! They’re so much fun and can be made in any colors you want to!
Grab a few lids that you no longer need and spend a day making this Recycled Plastic Lid Windchime craft.
These 80’s Style Painted Tees are a fantastic way for you to spend time with your tweens and teens. They’ll get an awesome new shirt and you’ll get quality time together!
Help your kids have some fun and make a little bit of cash on the side with this easy DIY Lemonade Stand! They’ll love earning their own money!
I know it sounds crazy, but getting your kids a pet can be a great way to keep them entertained. Learning How Pets Contribute to Children Lives can help you make your decision.
Organizing and decorating their room is a right of passage to tween girls. These DIY Tin Can Organizers from A Pumpkin and a Princess can help them show their style on a dime!
Head to the kitchen and make up a few bars of this awesome Shark Fin Soap from Totally the Bomb. Both boys and girls will love this fintastic boredom buster! Ha. See what I did there? I’m lame. I know. I apologize for my lameness.
Make a pretty spring wreath with your tween with this DIY Springtime Wreath from R and R Workshop.
Domestic Mommyhood brongs these tasty and super cute Easy Bird Nest Easter Cookies. They’re perfect for any spring day! Not just Easter!
Get involved in your tweens spring break boredom busters! Make the rainbow crayons above and then sit down to color these Free Printable Coloring Pages for Adults!
If your tween loves Oreo cookies, they’ll adore these Oreo Cookie DIYs, Notebook, Mini Pen, and Phone Case!
Here’s another Easy Spring Wreath that your kids will love helping you make! If they’re old enough, they may even be able to do it on their own!
Looking for more spring break boredom busters for tweens and teens? You’ll love these!
Organized 31 – Teen & Tween Tie-Dye Fashion
Midget Momma – Homemade Playdough Recipe
Crafts by Amanda – Make Bracelets From Recycled T-Shirts
The Nerd’s Wife – Celtic Heart Knot Friendship Bracelets
Mom On the Side – Benefits of Archery for Kids
A Pumpkin and a Princess – Disney Frozen Glitter Slime
The Real Thing With the Coake Family – Family Nature Walk and Scavenger Hunt
Dwelling in Happiness – Easy Rustic Arrow String Art
Dream a Little Bigger – Doodle to De-Stress
Domestic Mommyhood – Cute and Easy Bunny Butt Cookies
Moms and Crafters – DIY Bracelets
Kid Pep – DIY Hershey Kiss Candles
The Real Thing With the Coake Family – Games With Legos
Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom – Simple Paper Crafting
A Mothering Thing – Indoor Gardening For Kids: Cactus Garden
The Real Thing With the Coake Family – Chalk Activities for Kids and Parents