With current events being what they are, a huge amount of people are suddenly facing a life with little to no income for an unforeseeable period of time. I don’t think I need to tell you how dangerous this could be to families all around not only the United States, but the world. Learning how to survive on no income is not going to be fun for anyone, but especially those of us that have children. While I can’t help you anymore than this blog, I did want to put together a few tips to help you learn how to live with no income.

I wish that I could tell you that things are going to be okay. I hate to see anyone suffering and this situation is no different. I wish I could give you that comfort, but the truth is that if you’ve recently had your job “cancelled” due to quarantine rules or other new laws, you are stuck in a very bad situation.
How to Survive with No Income
In other words, it is imperative that you learn how to survive without a paycheck and that you do it now.
If you wait, you may not survive this. I know how harsh that sounds and I know how scary it sounds.
It was meant to be just in case you don’t quite realize how serious your situation is.
How to Live With No Income
The truth is that none of us know what tomorrow will bring, but there are indicators – financial and physical – that say this is going to end in an incredibly bad situation for the United States and the world.
Hopefully these tips for living without an income will help you and your family survive comfortably just a little bit longer.
Learn from the Past
Most of us have grandparents or great-grandparents who lived through The Great Depression. Those people are the heroes you should be looking to now. They have not only survived a similar situation but they came out the other side stronger.
Picking up and adding a few frugal living tips from The Great Depression will help you cut your current costs and live a life that is far cheaper than the one you currently do.
Don’t expect help
I hate to say this, but don’t expect the government, your parents, your neighbors or anyone else to help you.
You need to look at the situation as if you were 100% on your own.
The reason for this is simple; if the economy continues to tank, if the CoVid-19 situation stretches longer than we hope; those programs from the government and your friends or family may no longer be around to help you.
Now is the time to plan for what you will do if that happens.
But take it if offered
With that said, if you qualify for government assistance programs or are being offered help elsewhere; take it.
Whether it’s the SNAP program, WIC or just a school lunch delivery from your children’s school, every little bit that you don’t have to buy yourself will extend the length of time you an survive with no income.
If you do not need those programs; please do not take them and leave them for those that do.
Find ways to earn money from home
If your job has been shut down or you are otherwise out of work, the only way you can help yourself is to find ways to earn money from home.
There are a lot of legitimate ways to earn money from home so you really only have to look. One of my go-to’s when I need to earn money is to find ways to earn free gift cards and cash online.
If you’re interested in those, I have a list of over 40 ways to earn free gift cards right HERE.
Buckle down now
If you already have lost your income or you know you will be soon, now is the time to learn how to create an emergency budget and to crack down on your spending.
If you continue to spend money you don’t have – or soon won’t have – you will do nothing but find yourself broke.
The only exception I would make to this rule is if you are currently stocking up on emergency supplies for your family or are trying to build a pandemic food supply.
Stretch what you have
TheWhen you’re trying to live with no income, what you have needs to last you as long as it can. This means everything from food to the shoes on your feet.
One easy way to get into the habit of stretching things is to start with foods that stretch a long way.
Once you’ve got that down, you can move onto other areas of your life.
Find new ways to save
If you’ve hit a brick wall for ways to save money, there are always new ones.
Take a look at different frugal living tips, find ways to upcycle old things and even pick up a new books or two to teach you.
You will never be so good at saving money that you don’t have anything to learn; and that will never be more true than when you have no income.
Avoid buying – Period
Not only should you crack down on your spending, but if you possible can; avoid it altogether.
I know, I just told you to make exceptions for must have emergency prep supplies and to build a food supply for a pandemic, but once those things are done, stop spending.
You can not live on no income if you are spending the only money you have.
Learn New Skills
Surviving with no paycheck will also depend on the skills that you have.
Are you able to cook?
Can you mend clothing?
Can you make what you need so you don’t have to buy it?
In other words, if you are lacking a skill that may help you survive this time in your life?
Learn It.
See pennies in a new light
I once had someone tell me that living frugally was not worth the effort because pennies werent’ worth it.
Let me tell you friends, pennies are very much worth it when you don’t know when your next paycheck is.
To survive without a paycheck, you will need to see those pennies in a new light. To put it simply, if you can save a dime, save that dime.
It all adds up and the more you save, the easier time you’ll have.
Change how you cook
We are all used to cooking with an abundance of food and ingredients, but if you’re trying to make ends meet with no income, you will likely not have that luxury.
Instead, change how you cook to include more ingreidients that act as fiullers and to include meals that feed a family instead of individuals.
For instance: Tacos are expensive when made individually. However, a taco casserole is not. Your family will still eat their fill, but they will eat less of it.
Why? Because it appears to be more filling than a single taco does.
Change How You Think
I ahve said ti before on this blog, but how you think directly affects your finances. If you think you’re going to be poor, you will be poor.
This happens because by thinking negatively, you sabotauge yourself without even realizing it.
Instead, try to keep hopeful and positive.
No matter what happens, you will make it through this.
You just may have a hard road ahead.
Looking for more tips to help you live on no income? Try these:
Looking to save BIG on food (or even pay nothing for food?) Here’s how I get FREE food EVERY single month without ever leaving my home!
Stocked up on eggs? Worried they’ll spoil before you can use them? Let me show you how to preserve eggs for long-term storage with NO refrigeration needed! It’s super simple and you’ll be amazed at how well it works!
Are you preparing for a pandemic? Let me show you how to build a food supply for a pandemic on a budget AND what foods to start building your pandemic food supply with!
Preparing for an emergency such as bad weather, pandemic or a financial crisis? These 99 emergency supplies are MUST HAVE’s in your preps!
Grocery bill too high? These 17 foods that stretch a long way are sure to help feed your family cheap meal ideas! Happy bellies and happy wallets!