Halloween is right around the corner which means that a lot of you Momma’s (or Daddy’s) are looking for spooky or gross kids crafts to scare up some fun with your little ghouls and goblins. After all, as parents we want them to have as much fun as possible while they’re still little, right? This homemade Halloween slime is just the fun that they’re looking for! It is super easy to make and in the words of my daughter when we made ours; it’s booger colored! Sometimes that child makes my brain hurt. In any case, this is one of my favorite kids crafts since they do most of the work and all you need to do is supervise! For littles, that can make them feel “big” which is always a good thing!

This homemade Halloween slime is one of my favorite kids crafts for a couple of reasons. Like I said earlier, it is great for making littles feel “big.” Any parent of a little knows that making them feel like their a big kid is fantastic for their self-esteem. Secondly, it’s one of the easiest kids crafts that I know of! It only has a few steps and as long as you are there to guide your kidlets, it is really hard to mess up. Trust me, if there was a way to mess up a craft, I will find it.
I’m terrible at crafts sometimes.
Kids Crafts – Homemade Halloween Slime
When you make your own homemade slime, I suggest that you use a metal mixing bowl. I have no idea why, but ours always turns out better when we do. I suspect it is a lot like making a meringue and that the properties of the bowl help the final product set up. It cleans up fairly easily so don’t be too concerned with losing a bowl. You won’t. This homemade Halloween slime does use Borax and while Borax is generally safe, you will want to do that part for your kids just to be on the safe side. The same is true for the hot water if your slime maker are not old enough to handle hot water without burning themselves.
When you purchase your food coloring to make your homemade Halloween slime, make sure that you buy regular food coloring and not gel food coloring. Gel will not color your slime the way you want and tends to stain little hands more so than the liquid stuff. Have your kids wear old clothing just in case or you can pick up a child’s craft apron to help contain the mess. We made ours on an old craft table that we have, but if you’re using your kitchen counters or dining room table, be sure to cover it with newspaper to protect it from food coloring.
You will need:
- ¾ Cup Cold Water
- 1 Cup Elmer’s School Glue
- ½ Cup Hot Water
- 1 tsp Borax
- Green Food Coloring
- Yellow Food Coloring
In a medium mixing bowl, add the cold water then the glue. The amount of glue that you’ll be using is roughly 2 regular sized bottles of Elmer’s School Glue. Do not stir the glue into the water just yet.
Starting with the green food coloring, add 6-8 drops to get your color started. Stir the color into the glue until it is fully mixed. After it is mixed well, add 5-7 more drops of green food coloring and stir well.
Once the green food coloring is mixed into the glue, add 6-8 drops of yellow food coloring and stir to combine. Make certain that the glue is well mixed into the cold water too. You should not have any separation between the two. You should not be able to see any white from the glue and the color should be bright and yes, according to my child, booger colored.
Kids are gross sometimes.
Next, mix the hot water and Borax together in a small mixing bowl and stir until the Borax is completely dissolved. This is the part that if you have really young ones, you will want to do for them.
Once the Borax is dissolved, slowly pour the hot water/Borax mixture into the glue mixture and give a few gentle stirs. You will notice the “slime” starting to form almost immediately as soon as the Borax water touches the glue water. That is perfectly normal and it is supposed to do that. Give it a few more gentle stirs until it comes together as a solid then pour off any excess water that is left in the bowl.
Congrats! You have booger slime! Er…I mean homemade Halloween slime! In any case, store your homemade slime in an airtight storage container in the fridge. If stored right, it will last up to a week.