Take your self care to the next level with this easy DIY beauty product. These DIY bath fizzies with lavender and chamomile are the perfect combination of calming and soothing.

Self care is hugely important for anyone, but especially busy mom’s. To have a few moments to yourself can really reset your mind, fill your spirit and just generally help you recenter. Aromatherapy is a great way to help enhance your self care and DIY beauty products are a great way to save some money at the same time. Lavender and chamomile both have calming properties. When you combine them, such as with these DIY bath fizzies, you get an amazing boost to your self care!
Lavender is great for helping relax your mind and body. It is also thought to have healing properties for things such as dry skin, acne and eczema. There’s also research that shows it may be helpful in reducing insomnia, anxiety and depression symptoms. This makes it the perfect addition to a bath fizzie.
It’s one of my favorite scents so I use it in a lot that I make here at home. In fact, my favorite homemade deodorant recipe (HERE) is lavender scented.
Chamomile is also calming, can help promote better sleep and is also know to help with skin conditions. The two together pack a powerful and incredibly relaxing punch for your self care!
DIY Bath Fizzies with Lavender and Chamomile
I know as a busy Mom, it can be hard to find the time to do something like relax in a bath but it is so important to your own mental health.
and the mental health of those around you if you get cranky when your self care goes out the window.
But it’s so important to do; even if you only get a chance to once every couple of weeks or so.
The ingredients and supplies for these DIY bath fizzies can be bought pretty well anywhere, but I highly recommend that you make sure you’re only using pure and/or organic ingredients. Using ingredients that are not can lead to chemicals you don’t want being leeched into your bath water.
This is also the reason for using distilled water. Tap water often contains quite a few chemicals. Distilled water has been purified to remove as many of them as possible.
How to Make Homemade Bath Fizzies
This specific recipe for DIY bath fizzies have a lavender and chamomile scent with their added properties, but you can make other scents quite easily.
Green Tea and Peppermint – like in this Green Tea & Peppermint Bath Soak recipe HERE – would work extremely well to help with sore muscles while energizing your mind and body. Sweet orange would be an energizing bath and Rose would be sensual.
It’s really up to you which scents you use just be sure to keep in mind their properties as well.
Which Essential Oils Should I Use for DIY?
When you’re making homemade beauty products like THESE, essential oils are usually a staple ingredient. While you can use any brand of essential oils you have available, you will want to make sure they are 100% pure essential oils.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as theraputic grade essential oils. Since there is no federal grading system in the US, the term “theraputic grade” is just a marketing tactic that companies use to get you to pay a more expensive price.
As long as your oils are truly pure and are not cut with a carrier oil or alcohol, you will be fine. Even if they are not the more expensive and well known brands.
How to Store DIY Bath Fizzies
As with anything that has a shelf life, it’s best to store these DIY bath fizzies in an airtight container. Because they have essential oils in them, it’s also best to use a dark container.
Light causes essential oils to lose their properties quicker so keeping them in the dark helps them to last longer., Just be sure they are fully dry before storing them.

Ingredients for DIY Bath Fizzies
- 1 1/4 c. Baking Soda (Amazon), (ThriveMarket)
- 1 1/4 c Citric Acid (Amazon)
- 1/2 c. Cornstarch (Amazon), (ThriveMarket)
- 30-50 drops Lavender Essential Oil (Amazon.com), (SimplyEarth), (Grove Collaborative)
- 1-2 Chamomile tea bags, cut open with herbs removed (Amazon), ThriveMarket)
- 1-2 Tbsp Fractionated Coconut Oil (Amazon), (SimplyEarth), (Grove Collaborative)
- 2-4 Tbsp Distilled Water
- Ice Cube Tray or Silicone Soap Mold (Amazon)
If you’ve never made bath fizzies before, don’t stress it too much.
They’re not terribly hard and you’ll do just fine.
DIY Bath Fizzies with Lavender and Chamomile
- Dry Measuring Cup
- 1 ¼ c. Baking Soda
- 1 ¼ c Citric Acid
- ½ c. Cornstarch
- 30-50 drops Lavender Essential Oil
- 1-2 Chamomile tea bags cut open with herbs removed
- 1-2 Tbsp Fractionated Coconut Oil
- 2-4 Tbsp Distilled Water
- Combine dry ingredients in a mixing bowl until fully combined. Once they're mixed well, add the coconut oil and essential oils and mix until a thick paste forms. If you need, add Distilled Water 1 tablespoon at a time; just be sure it does not become too wet.
- Press mixture into an ice cube tray or silicone mold.
- Set aside and allow to air dry for 24 hours. Remove from the mold and allow them to finish drying if needed. Store in an airtight container.