With the wind turning chilly and leaves almost off the trees, the upcoming season brings absolute joy to many people. However, for others, the thought of having to pack away all their cute summer clothes and break out the heavy jackets is overwhelming. But whether you are a summer or winter person, you must sort out your winter wardrobe.
Shuffling and juggling through your wardrobe to find the perfect winter outfit would be the last thing you want to do. So it’s best to prepare your wardrobe for winter and have one less thing to worry about.
Make Space by Putting Away Summer Clothes
Not only does winter clothing take up more space than summer ones due to being thicker, but there are a lot more winter accessories than for summer. Beanies with pom poms, scarves, and blazers – all of it will demand more closet space.
Hence, the first step to preparing for your winter wardrobe is to put away your summer clothes. This will make room in your closet for your winter items and help you stay organized. Here are some tips for putting away your summer clothes:
- Sort through your summer clothes and decide what you want to keep and what you want to donate or sell. This is an excellent opportunity to get rid of anything that you don’t wear or that doesn’t fit well.
- Wash all of your summer clothes before you store them. This will help them stay fresh and prevent any musty smells.
- Choose the right storage containers. Breathable bags or boxes are best so that your clothes can air out.
- Label your storage containers. This will save you time when you’re looking for something specific.
Audit Your Existing Winter Wardrobe
One of the best ways to get your winter wardrobe ready for the cold weather is to audit your existing clothes. This way, you can see what items you already have that will work well for winter and what items you may need to purchase. To do a winter wardrobe audit, follow these steps:
1. Pull out all the clothing from your closet that you think you might wear during winter. This includes everything from heavy coats to sweaters to jeans.
2. Take a close look at each item and decide if it’s something you would actually wear during winter. If not, set it aside.
3. Once you’ve gone through your clothing, look at the items you’ve set aside. If there are any that you know you won’t wear, get rid of them.
4. Now, take a look at the items that are left. You will need to focus on these pieces when building your winter wardrobe.
5. If you have any gaps in your wardrobe, make a note of what items you need to purchase.
6. Finally, start putting together some outfit combinations with the clothing you have. This will help you understand what pieces go well together and how to mix and match them.
By following these steps, you can easily audit your existing winter wardrobe and prepare for the cold weather ahead.
Buy Clothes and Accessories
If you’ve already gone through your closet and gotten rid of anything you don’t wear, it’s time to start thinking about what you’ll need to stay warm yet fashionable this winter. Depending on your climate, you may need different winter clothing items than someone who lives in a warmer area. But there are a few basics that everyone should have in their winter wardrobe.
A good coat is essential for staying warm in the winter. A coat that is insulated and waterproof is essential for colder climates. In milder climates, a lighter-weight coat may be all you need. Coats come in many different styles, so choose one that fits your lifestyle and personality.
Boots are another must-have for winter weather. Again, if you live in a colder climate, you’ll want insulated and waterproof boots. In milder climates, you can get away with less heavy-duty boots. Choose a style that you like and that will go with many different outfits.
Tops and bottoms made from wool or another heavy fabric will help you stay warm in the winter. Layering is essential to stay warm, so don’t be afraid to mix and match different pieces.
Finally, don’t forget about accessories. Hats, scarves, and gloves can all help to keep you warm in the winter. And they can also add a touch of style to your outfit. Experiment with different combinations to find what looks best on you.
Winter shopping can be expensive, but there are several ways to save money when buying clothes.
Last Few Words
And that is how you prepare your winter wardrobe. Preparing a wardrobe for any season is all about personal choices and goals. You can either keep it simple and functional or be classy. No matter your goals, the steps mentioned above will help you prepare for the upcoming winter season. Happy Winters.