Have you ever made DIY body wash? A lot of people don’t actually realize that homemade body wash is incredibly easy to make. I love body wash but these days, the chemicals used in them don’t mix well with my body. My only options are to contribute to the chronic pain that I feel with commercial products or to make my own natural body wash. While there are some differences between a store bought body wash and a homemade body wash, they’re not big enough to really make a difference! This Earl Grey scented natural body was is perfect for those who want soft and luxurious skin and a great scent to go with it!

What makes Earl Grey what it is and so different from other beneficial herbal teas is the addition of bergamot and lavender. Both are calming and soothing scents so they’re the perfect addition to a DIY body wash recipe. Lavender oil is known for the ability to calm and soothe, but did you realize that lavender oil is great for your skin too? Lavender is great for treating acne and eczema, can help detox your skin, and soothe tired muscles. Bergamot oil is also great for calming and relaxing you, is sweetly scented to mix well with lavender, helps to heal skin issues and more. The two combined together make an amazing natural body wash that you just have to try!
Homemade Body Wash – Natural Body Wash Recipe/ Earl Grey DIY Body Wash
Aside from the mind and body health benefits of this homemade body wash, it actually is budget friendly too. Yes, you’ll likely pay more out of pocket for the ingredients, but you use so little of them making a bottle that you will be able to make bottle after bottle after bottle of not just this one, but any other DIY body wash too! The savings isn’t just in the number of bottles you make. Because this natural body wash has a coconut oil and Castile soap base, it’s much thicker than what you find with commercial body washes. This means that you’ll use less with each shower making your bottle last you considerably longer. In other words, the cost per bottle is much less than what you will pay for at the store even if the initial cost is more.
This is one of my favorite products that we make at home instead of buying. It’s a new addition to the list, but I love it! It’s a different consistency than the other homemade body wash I make so I keep this one on the shelf especially for me and my daughter uses the other. One reason for that is the bergamot oil is not recommended for children so keep that in mind when you make this. I use this natural body wash along with my homemade coconut milk shampoo when I bathe and man! My skin and hair both look and feel great!
Supplies needed to make DIY body wash
- Clean and dry glass bottle
- Almond scented liquid Castile soap (or make your own homemade Castile soap)
- 3 tbsp. Coconut oil
- 10 drops Lavender essential oil
- 10 drops Bergamot essential oil
- Distilled water
- Funnel

Fill your bottle halfway with Castile soap to start. Make sure that you are using a glass bottle and not a plastic one for this particular homemade body wash recipe because the properties of the bergamot oil will break down a plastic bottle. If you don’t want to buy glass soap bottles, you can re-use an old olive oil bottle. They work perfectly with the measurements of this recipe and look amazing once they’re done!
Because you will most likely be using a different sized bottle than we used here, fill your bottle halfway with Castile soap to measure then pour it into a small mixing bowl. Add the coconut oil and using a kitchen whisk, not a mixer, blend it well. It will absolutely be clumpy to start. Just keep whisking (yes, you may sing “just keep whisking” as Dory in your head while doing it.) until you get a nice, frothy consistency like you see in the photo above.

If what is in your mixing bowl looks too watery for your tastes, add in a bit more coconut oil. You shouldn’t have to do this but if your bottle is larger than ours, you might have to. If you add more coconut oil, whisk it back up until it’s frothy again. Once you’ve got the consistency that you’re looking for, add the essential oils in and whisk them into your homemade body wash. Once the oils are mixed in, use the funnel to pour your DIY body wash into your bottle!
You’re done! This is one of the few natural body wash recipes that I’ve seen that has absolutely no perishable ingredients in it which gives it a decent shelf life. Keep in mind that coconut oil will solidify if it is stored below 76 degrees Fareinheit though so if yours gets cold, it may harden. This isn’t an issue and if it happens, let it come back to a warmer temperature, pour it out and whisk it back up to where you want it to be. Warmer temperatures, like a bathroom, will not harm it as long as it is simply warm and not hot. If you keep it in your bathroom, just be sure that the lid gets replaced after each use so that you don’t end up with water in your bottle that could ruin the consistency. A darker bottle will help extend the shelf life on it as well. Essential oils start to lose their potency when exposed to light so storing it in a dark bottle, like a green olive oil bottle or an amber homemade soap bottle will help prevent that from happening.
If after making your homemade body wash, you find that your soap is too thin, you can thicken it by making a salt water solution. Add .5 oz regular table salt to 1.5oz warm distilled water and stir until it is dissolved. Then, in very small amounts (1 ml or less), add to your soap and stir. Continue adding the salt water solution to your soap until you’ve got the consistency that you want.