My Emma and I both have very thick hair which means one thing; lots of tangles when we first wake up in the morning. For me, my hair will tangle so much that I would usually end up having to rip out my hair to get it tangle free. For Emma, it usually involved lots of tears. I’m a mom and the last thing that I want to do is make my only child cry which meant that I needed a solution. Since we stopped buying and starting making as much homemade as possible a couple of years ago, that meant that I needed to find a homemade hair detangler that was all natural, chemical free and could be made on the fly when I needed to.
When I finally stumbled upon this homemade hair detangler recipe, I knew I had hit gold. The first day that I used it on Emma’s hair, there were no tears, no screaming, no painful “ow!” murmurs coming from her. It was a smooth and easy job and has been every morning since. Seriously ya’ll. This stuff is like all natural liquid gold to me and I’m sure it will be for you too!
Homemade Hair Detangler – All Natural & Chemical Free
The essential oil used in this is lavender. I use it not only for the scent but for the calming properties as well. Lavender is also great for the skin (scalp) and hair so it will help heal any damage that has been caused by pulling tangles before you found this recipe. Make sure that you use only 100% pure essential oil and that it isn’t cut with any other carrier oils since doing so will reduce its potency. If the oil is not pure, you have no real idea of what was added to it. I personally use Plant Therapy Organic Lavender oil when I make mine.
You will need:
4 oz. essential oil spray bottle
Distilled water
2 tablespoon vegetable glycerin
12 drops lavender essential oil
To start, add the vegetable glycerin to your spray bottle. If you’re worried that you might spill it, use an essential oil funnel to help. If you spill, it could get pretty messy.
Next, add the 12 drops of essential oil to the bottle. Place your thumb over the top of the bottle and give it a gentle shake to combine. You could put the cap on to shake it, but I’ve found that doing so leaves a bit of the mixture that doesn’t get mixed well because it gets sucked into the spray cap tube.
Now, add the distilled water, put the cap on the bottle and shake well to mix it. Be careful not to overfill the bottle and make sure that you leave room for the sprayer hose to raise the water level a bit. Once you’ve got it mixed well, tighten the cap and label your bottle so that you know what it is in.
To use it, spray on wet hair after a bath or on dry hair as needed. Comb through like normal and all should be tangle free! This will keep for around a month without too many issues, but ours has never lasted quite that long.